Chair of Mesoscopic Physics at Collège de France

Michel Devoret held the chair of Mesoscopics Physics at Collège de France from 2007 to 2012. Every year, he gave new lectures on current research in mesoscopic physics which can be found on the left sidebar.


Every lecture was followed by a seminar. Here, you can find the list of these seminars with slides of the talks in PDF format.

2012 Seminars

May 15, 2012: Rob Schoelkopf (Yale University, USA)
Quantum optics and quantum computation with superconducting circuits

May 22, 2012: Konrad Lehnert (JILA, Boulder, USA)
Micro-electromechanics: a new quantum technology

May 29, 2012: Olivier Arcizet (Institut Néel, Grenoble)
A single NV defect coupled to a nanomechanical oscillator: hybrid nanomechanics

June 5, 2012: Ivan Favero (MPQ, Université Paris Diderot)
From micro to nano-optomechanical systems: photons interacting with mechanical resonators

June 12, 2012: A. Douglas Stone (Yale University, USA)
Lasers and anti-lasers: a mesoscopic physicist’s perspective on scattering from active and passive media

June 19, 2012: Tobias J. Kippenberg (EPFL, Lausanne, Switzerland)
Cavity optomechanics: exploring the coupling of light and micro- and nanomechanical oscillators

2011 Seminars

May 10, 2011: Fabien Portier (CEA-Saclay)
The Bright Side of Coulomb Blockade

May 17, 2011: Jan van Ruitenbeek (Leiden University, The Netherlands)
Quantum Transport in Single-molecule Systems

May 31, 2011: Irfan Siddiqi (UC Berkeley, USA)
Quantum Jumps of a Superconducting Artificial Atom

June 7, 2011: David DiVicenzo (IQI Aachen, Germany)
Quantum Error Correction and the Future of Solid State Qubits

June 14, 2011: Andrew Cleland (UC Santa Barbara, USA)
Images of Quantum Light

June 21, 2011: Benjamin Huard (LPA - ENS Paris)
Building a Quantum Limited Amplifier from Josephson Junctions and Resonators

June 21, 2011 (3pm): Andrew Cleland (UC Santa Barbara, USA)
How to Be in Two Places at the Same Time ?

2010 Seminars

May 11, 2010: Cristian Urbina (Quantronics group, SPEC-CEA Saclay)
Josephson Effect in Atomic Contacts and Carbon Nanotubes

May 18, 2010: Benoît Douçot (LPTHE, Université de Jussieu, Paris)
Towards physical realization of topologically protected qubits

June 1, 2010: Takis Kontos (LPA, Ecole Normale Supérieure, Paris)
Points quantiques et ferromagnétisme

June 8, 2010: Cristiano Ciuti (Laboratoire MPQ, Université Paris-Diderot, Paris)
Ultrastrong coupling circuit QED : vacuum degeneracy and quantum phase transitions

June 15, 2010: Leonardo DiCarlo (Yale University, USA)
Preparation and measurement of multi-qubit entanglement in a superconducting quantum circuit

June 22, 2010: Vladimir Manucharyan (Yale University, USA)
The fluxonium circuit: an electrical dual of the Cooper-pair box?

2009 Seminars

May 12, 2009: Daniel Estève (Quantronics group, SPEC-CEA Saclay)
Faithful and non-destructive readout of a superconducting Qbit

May 19, 2009: Christian Glattli (GNE SPEC/CEA Saclay and LPA ENS Paris)
Statistique de Fermi dans les conducteurs balistiques : conséquences expérimentales vues sous l’angle de l’information quantique.

June 2, 2009: Steve Girvin (Yale University, USA)
Quantum Electrodynamics of Superconducting Circuits and Qubits

June 9, 2009: Charlie Marcus (Harvard University, USA)
Electron Spin as a Holder of Quantum Information: Prospects and Challenges

June 16, 2009: Frédéric Pierre (LPN/CNRS Marcoussis)
Echanges d’énergie dans les canaux de bord du régime Hall quantique

June 23, 2009: Lev Ioffe (Rutgers University, USA)
Implementation of protected qubits in Josephson junction array

2008 Seminars

May 13, 2008: Denis Vion, (Quantronics group, SPEC-CEA Saclay)
Continuous dispersive quantum measurement of an electrical circuit

May 20, 2008: Bertrand Reulet (LPS Orsay)
Current fluctuations : beyond noise

June 3, 2008: Gilles Montambaux (LPS Orsay)
Quantum interference in disordered systems

June 10, 2008: Patrice Roche (SPEC-CEA Saclay)
Determination of the coherence length in the Integer Quantum Hall Regime

June 17, 2008: Olivier Buisson (Institut Néel - Grenoble)
Study of a quantum superconductor circuit with several energy levels

June 24, 2008: Jérôme Lesueur (ESPCI)
High Tc Josephson nanojunctions : physics and applications